Saturday, January 17, 2015

Digital Blog Post #A – Chapter 1

In Chapter 1 of our text book, Transforming Learning with New Technologies, there were three concepts that really stood out to me. The first concept was technology-based text book. This concept allows teachers to build their own lessons using different forms of technology. I think that this is a great idea and will allow me as a teacher to build unique lessons that cater to a variety of students and their different learning speeds. This will also allow me to make lessons interactive and fun for the students. As a teacher it might also allow me to find out what isn't working for the student and because the lessons are technology based I can change the lessons up to better serve the students.

The second concept, Web 2.0 Tools, was more of a helpful tool that can be put into practice to help teachers integrate technology into their lessons. I am the kind of person that uses the minimum amount of technology possible. Yes, I can use a computer and I am attached to my kindle and but even though I have a smart phone I mostly use it just to make phone calls. I do have a Facebook page but I probably check it twice a year. I didn't realize that being a teacher would require the use of so much technology (not that it’s a bad thing). Chapter 1 really gets into the kinds of technology teachers can use and Web 2.0 Tools really fascinated me.  I Googled Web 2.0 Tools to find out more about it and found Discovery EducationWeb2014: Web 2.0 Tools. This site allows teachers to learn how to use all kinds of technology to help students on their learning journey. While I was on the site I found a YouTube video that went over some websites that can allow teachers to let student use their phones to do in class surveys and more. I posted the video below because I think it can be very useful information for any teacher (or future teacher) to have.

The third concept that interested me was Digital Identity. This concept is explained as a teachers “technology talents and competencies” (Maloy, et al, 2013, p. 15). The book goes on to explain how important it is for a teacher to not only put technology to use in the classroom but also keep up to date with it at all times. Technology is something that is forever changing and evolving. I can see how helpful this concept can be. It can allow teachers, students, and a parent to know what is going on at all times. As a teacher technology can allow you to keep up with curriculum, updated technology, student’s progress, social media, blogs, and many more things. As a teacher your digital identity is how you put all these technologies to work and how well, and often, you use them.

In conclusion, Chapter 1 in our text book, Transforming Learning with New Technologies, was very enlightening for me and made me reflect on several concepts that are very interesting. I learned that technology is going to play a big part of my role as a teacher. It is going to allow me to better serve my students with tools such as Web 2.0 and the ability to create my own text book with technology-based text books.  I also now know that as I learn these new technologies and put them to use it will create my digital identity. 

Photo credit to jennip98 on Flickr


Discovery Education Web2014 : Home. (2015). Retrieved January 17, 2015, from

Maloy, R., O'Loughlin, R., Edwards, S., & Woolf, B. (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.  

Web 2.0. (2010, January 6). Retrieved January 17, 2015, from

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic blog post! :) You captured the essence of your selected three concepts not only with your reflections, but also in hyperlinks (which, by the way, strongly recommend that you continue to connect with Discovery Education as they have a very strong teacher network), photo (Creative Commons licensed and very relevant - terrific!) and video. All of those multimedia elements really add to the interactivity as well as brain-based neuron connections to keep the reader engaged and interested.

    It appears that this chapter was a bit eye-opening for you. Technology can play a huge role in our educational institutions as it really can help transform learning, but it truly isn't the 'driver' - instead, it becomes the 'enhancer'...but often a necessary one if we intend to engage our students and prepare them for the 21st century in which we live. :)
